***Transform today with Semaglutide & Tirzepatide Weight Loss telehealth appointments available now **
Telehealth Semaglutide program Peoria
On the Go Wellness is your local community pharmacy specializing in semaglutide and tirzepatide glp1 weight loss shots. Our prices start at $299 a month for semaglutide and $399 a month for tirzepatide.
Trusted by Many
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Telehealth Semaglutide Peoria Medspa
Book telehealth appointments for semaglutide and tirzepatide glp1 weight loss shots from home.
Convenient Telehealth Visits
Schedule telehealth visits with our nurse practitioner for weight loss shots in Arizona or Colorado.
Affordable Monthly Prices
Starting at $299 a month for Semaglutide and $399 a month for Tirzepatide weight loss shots.